
阿不都拉·阿不力孜/Abdulla Abliz
讲师/ Lecturer
博士(新疆大学)/PhD (Xinjiang University)
研究方向/Research Fields
旅游地理/ Tourism Geography
生态旅游/ Ecotourism
灾害遥感/ Remote sensing monitoring of disasters,
生态系统服务功能评估/ Evaluation of ecosystem functions and services
森林健康遥感监测与评价/ Remote sensing monitoring and evaluation of forest health
学术与社会兼职/ Membership in Academic and Professional Associations
主讲课程/ Courses Taught
研究课题/Research Projects
[1] 主持(结题):国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,2019.01-2021.12,胡杨林害虫脱叶“地-空-星”遥感监测与预测研究
[2] 主持(结题):自治区天池博士计划项目,2018.01-2020.12,胡杨林病虫害多源遥感监测研究
[3] 参与(在研):国家自然科学基金地区项目,2021.01-2024.12,基于SAR极化分解和机器学习的干旱区土壤盐渍化定量监测.
[4] 参与(在研):国家自然科学基金地区项目,2020.01-2023.12,于田绿洲社会生态复合系统水代谢适应性治理研究
[5] 参与(结题):国家自然科学基金地区项目,2018.01-2021.12,绿洲城市园林及其配置结构对大气颗粒物的调控机制研究
[6] 参与(结题):国家自然科学基金青年项目,2018.01-2020.12,胡杨树干空腐与立地条件的关系研究
[7] 参与(结题):国家自然科学基金青年项目,2018.01-2020.12,基于不同空间尺度遥感的矿区土壤重金属污染监测研究
[8] 参与(结题):国家自然科学基金项目,2016.01-2019.12,新疆于田绿洲土壤盐渍化风险遥感定量评估研究
[9] 参与(结题):国家留学基金委人才培养项目,留金美[2017]7923, 流域生态修复中德创新型人才联合培养,2015/07-2020/06
[10] 参与(结题):国家自然科学基金地区项目,2014.01-2017.12,荒漠生态修复区风蚀过程及天然河岸林防风阻沙效应研究
[11] 参与(结题):国家自然科学基金面上项目,2013.01-2016.12,干旱区绿洲城市园林树种滞尘效应及耐尘机制研究
[12] 参与(结题):德国联邦科研部国际合作项目,2011.03-2016.02中国塔里木河流域沿河绿洲的可持续管理 (SuMaRiO)
教改课题/ Teaching Reform Projects
期刊论文/Refereed Journal Articles
[1] Abliz, A., Abliz, A., Shi, Q. D. Ecological risk assessment of toxic metal pollution in the industrial zone on the northern slope of the East Tianshan Mountains in Xinjiang, NW China[J]. Open Geosciences, 13(1):582-593.
[2] Shi, L., Halik, Ü., Mamat, Z., Aishan, T., Abliz, A., Welp, M. Spatiotemporal investigation of the interactive coercing relationship between urbanization and ecosystem services in arid north‐western China[J]. Land Degradation and Development, 32(4): 4105-4120.
[3] Balati, M., Simayi, Z., Ghalip, I., Aishan, T., Abliz, A., Aierken, G. Development and evaluation of the soil water balance model in an inland arid delta oasis: Implications for sustainable groundwater resource management[J]. Global Ecology and Conservation, 25:e01408.
[4] Shi, L., Halik, Ü., Abliz, A., Mamat, Z., Welp, M. Urban Green Space Accessibility and Distribution Equity in an Arid Oasis City: Urumqi, China[J]. Forests, 2020, 11, 690.
[5] Chen, F. F., Dai, S. S., Xu, H. G., Abliz, A. Senior's travel constraint, negotiation strategy and travel intention: Examining the role of social support[J]. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2021, 23:363-377.
[6] Muhtar, P., Xia, J. X., Muyibul, Z., Zihriya, B., Abliz, A., Zhang, M. X. Evaluating the evolution of oasis water metabolism using ecological network analysis: A synthesis of structural and functional properties[J]. International Journal of Tourism Research, 2020, 280(20):1-26.
[7] 艾萨迪拉·玉苏甫, 玉米提·哈力克, 阿不都拉·阿不力孜, 等.基于地面LiDAR数据的塔里木河下游胡杨林结构参数反演[J].生态学报, 2020, 40(13):4555-4565.
[8] 古丽扎尔·艾买提, 阿不都拉·阿不力孜, 茹克亚·沙吾提, 阿不都艾尼·阿不里, 尼加提·卡斯木. 准东煤田土壤铅含量高光谱估算[J].土壤通报, 2018, 49(5):1233-1239.
[9] Seydehmet, J., Lv, G. H., Nurmemet, I., Aishan, T., Abliz, A., Sawut, M., Abliz, A., Eziz, M. Model Prediction of Secondary Soil Salinization in the Keriya Oasis, Northwest China[J]. Sustainability, 2018, 10:656-676.
[10] Seydehmet, J., Lv G. H., Abliz, A., Shi, Q. D., Abliz, A., Turup, A. Irrigation Salinity Risk Assessment and Mapping in Arid Oasis, Northwest China. Water. 2018; 10(7):966.
[11] Abliz, A., Ding, J. L., Sawut, M., Hou, Y. J., Nurmemet, I. Estimating soil salt content in the Keriya Oasis using hyperspectral slope index[J]. Nature, Environment and Pollution Technology, 2017, 16(1):141-146.
[12] Abliz, A., Halik, Ü., Ding, J. L., Sawut, M., Zhang, F., Nurmemet, I., Abliz, A. Effects of shallow groundwater table and salinity on soil salt dynamics in the Keriya Oasis, Northwestern China[J]. Environmental Earth Sciences, 2016, 75(3):1-15.
[13] 阿不都艾尼•阿不里, 伍靖伟, 阿不都拉·阿不力孜, 依力亚斯江·努尔麦麦提. 不同含盐量土壤盐分对蒸发的影响研究[J].土壤通报, 2016, 47(2):36-41.
[14] 阿不都艾尼•阿不里, 买买提•沙吾提, 阿不都拉·阿不力孜,等. 准东露天煤矿周围土壤重金属的污染及空间分布特征分析[J]. 中国矿业, 2016, 25(3):58-64.
[15] Mamat, Z., Halik, U., Muhtar, P., Nurmamat, I., Abliz, A. Temporal variation of significant soil hydrological parameters in the Yutian oasis in Northwest China from 2001 to 2010[J]. Environmental Earth Sciences, 2016, 75(4):1-16.
[16] Mamat, Z., Halik, Umut., Muhtar, P., Nurmemet, I., Abliz, A., Aishan, T. Influence of soil moisture and electrical conductivity on the growth of Phragmites australis (Cav.) in the Keriya oasis, China[J]. Environmental Earth Sciences, 2016, 75(5):1-8.
[17] Nurmemet, I., Elkadiri, R., Ding, J. L., Maimaitiyiming, M., Abliz, A., Sawut, M., Zhang, F., Abliz, A., Sun, Q. Monitoring Soil Salinization inKeriya River Basin, Northwestern China Using Passive Reflective and Active Microwave Remote Sensing Data[J]. Remote sensing, 2015.7, 7(7): 8803-8829.
主要社会服务/Social Services
[1] 新疆水利水电科学研究院:《克里雅河等7条河湖生态植被卫星遥感影像解译》报告,2021,已完成
[2] 2017年, “新疆学子百村行”新疆大学暑期社会实践活动指导老师
获奖情况/ Awards
[1] 2017年, “新疆学子百村行”大中专学生暑期社会实践活动中被评为“优秀指导老师”